Welcome to Grace Lutheran Church’s

(Phillipsburg) website!

Sunday worship each week at 8 AM and 10:00 AM

Worship Information | Grace Lutheran Church Phillipsburg NJ

Click on the links below to view previously recorded worship services.

Please come and join us for worship!

Each Sunday we gather at 8:00 am for a Spoken servivce of Holy Communion and at 10:00 am for our service of Holy Communion which includes music.

 Please call 908.859.0884 if you have any questions.


O come, let us worship!

We will use this link for any worship service we livestream, including funerals/memorial services and weddings.

We continue to post recordings of our 10:00 worship services. Please click on this link to view.


Lent & Holy Week Services

Each Wednesday in Lent we gather for a light supper of salad, bread and homemade soup at 6:00 pm in Luther Hall. At 6:30 pm, we begin a time of Lenten devotion, reflection and conversation.  We conclude around 7:30 pm. All are certainly welcome!

Holy Thursday, April 17, 2025: We will gather at 7:30 pm for a special, dramatic service of Holy Communion and the Stripping of the Altar. This services promises to be a powerful reminder of our need for a savior.


Good Friday, April 18, 2025: We will gather at 7:30 pm for a serice of Tenebrae (Latin for “darkness”) where we will through Scripture and song remember the darkness that brought the death of our needed savior.

Grace Lutheran Church Phillipsburg NJ
Grace Lutheran Church, Phillipsburg, NJ

Easter Services

7:00 AM: Festival service of holy communion celebrating our Lord’s resurrection! There will be a portion of our choir present and the service should take just over an hour.

10:00 AM: Our full festival service of holy communion with our full choir. 

You are invited to join us for our Easter breakfast which will take place in between the two services in Luther Hall, our socail hall on the lower level. 



Contact or visit us:

300 Roseberry Street
Phillipsburg, NJ 08865



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