Activities/News | Grace Lutheran Church Phillipsburg NJ
Big Event: EASTER!!
He is risen! He is risen, indeed!

Join us Easter Morning!!
Worship opportunities:
Our early service begins at 7:00 am and will be a service of Holy Communion. A portion of our choir will be there to help support our singing as we praise the Lord.
Our later service begins at 10:00 and will be a full festival service of Holy Communion with our entire choir lifting our voices high.
Each service will offer a special time for children. Everyone is welcome. We hope you will join us.
Easter Breakfast:
In between the two services please join our Easter breakfast. We will all be bringing some of our favorite dishes to share as a community. But more importantly, we gather together and joyfully share each other’s company in the light of the resurrection dawn!
If you would like to join, please just fill our the form below so we have some idea of how many to expect. Again, like our worship services, EVERYONE is welcome.
Call 908.859.0884 or use the form below to let us know you will be joining us for breakfast.
Reservations are NOT required but would help us plan.
Everything we do as a congregation stems from and points to the universe-changing event of Christ’s resurrection. We come together each week to rejoice in the Good News that we have been saved from our sins. We support one another and care for each other because everything that would separate us from God and each other has been removed. We look for opportunities to take Christ’s love out into the world acting as His hands and feet. We bring the needs of this fallen and hurting world back into our midst so that we can pray for the wounded and ask God for guidance, strength and faith in order to bind up those wounds.
We recognize that, individually and collectively, we are reborn. We also recognize that God has redeemed us for a purpose. We strive to live into that holy purpose.
If you would like to have a taste of the joy that we know, please come and join us for worship on Easter morning.
Contact or visit us:
300 Roseberry Street
Phillipsburg, NJ 08865
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